My Dream
by Morning Song
The woman of my dreams
hasn't shown herself yet
She will
This I know
She will Inspire me
She will Delight me
As I do the same
for her
She will make
me laugh
She will challenge
my mind
She will have dreams
that haven't been
shut away
but that she's beginning
to realize
She will Know
who she is
She has faced her
inner battles
and come through them
Oh, she is not perfect
She is human
She makes mistakes
For she is Real
She is Alive
She has that inner fire
that delights me
that excites me
And she will listen
to me
She will hear my
thoughts and dreams
and help me to
make them Reality
As I do the same for her
I am not perfect
but I am Growing
It is no less
than I deserve
That we come
Help each other
Hold each other
And it is