What Christmas Means Now
by Morning Song
Christmas used to not mean much to me It only meant I had to work - more money Then to see those crowds at the mall How to remember the meaning of it all? It's a time for love, or so they say When you shove through the people for That day A time to gather with your close friends When you eat a meal that seems not to end Worry did I, 'bout gathering 'round the table And now you're here I am finally able To enjoy the company of friends and family Not to worry for you, if you're unhappy Like them you do, and do not pass judgment Everyone has faults but you look beyond them And know them for human through no fault of their own Not like someone else who would caste the first stone Yet, this Christmas I've truly enjoyed With you by my side I've been not annoyed But able to love, to give and receive And that is what Christmas really means